Akriya Yog

What is
'Akriya Yog?'

Akriya Yog is the Art of Being. It is the art of recognizing the Real You. It is the divine gate to the abundant and independent joy which all of us secretly wish & constantly strive for.

Akriya Yog opens up floodgates to fearless living, mindful living, stress free living, and spontaneous meaningful living and last but not the least, living to your fullest potential.

Traditional practices of Yog are seen to be enmeshing the practitioner in the realm of body and mind or most of the time restricting to physical exercise which offers a temporary feel good. 
Akriya Yog is a contemporary trail of learning AND unlearning simultaneously. This is a sacred path for modern day seekers which can take them directly onto the spiritual highway.

Akriya Yog is the path, journey and destination as well.

Unlearning is the highest form of learning!

Nitin Ram’s experiential understanding of life in its entirety is refreshing, like a stream flowing through a forest, that finds its way, unknowingly to an open heart! And so are his totally never heard before methods, unconventional, radical, and pristine like a river at its source. Not a mere coincidence then, that River Krishna too comes to life here!

The clarity experienced here with Ram during certain mind games and scientific sessions simply help in channelizing mind and thoughts effortlessly to do what is needed in that moment! He calls them ‘Thoughtful meditations’ as he believes that a thought is essential to take you beyond thoughts.

He sums it up as ‘Akriya Yog’, with emphasis on unlearning as the highest form of learning!

It sometimes does happen that we don’t find like-minded people with whom we can interact, on similar wavelengths. Someone who can lend a ear without any judgments. Since Anhad Retreat is customized, it addresses each one’s questions directly even without one realizing it.

Ram’s words come out of nowhere, beyond mind, and beyond any learnings. And He jokingly says, that’s simply because He is tuned 24/7 into 0.00 frequency! And that’s exactly why, it’s fresh, every moment.


His approach is direct and addresses issues at grass root level.

Actually, unconventional methods have long been a part of our ancient culture, where our Rishis would impart the essence to the ones who were keen on it. There was hardly any mass medicine where one method or one solution was given to thousands! NO! Mass medicine simply won’t work, as each one of us is unique! There has to be a fresher perspective in the way each one’s issues are handled. Be it relationships, career or family.

In fact, looks like the western culture has picked up ancient methods of the east, with people directly interacting with an awakened one, simply sitting across! Like the best example we ever have of Krishna and Arjuna. Arjuna was actually lucky, because Google.com wasn’t born during his time! Or else he would have long been dead on the battlefield! Google couldn’t have answered his intriguing questions anyway and Arjuna would have died a worldly scholar by merely studying and researching on Google!

Neither Krishna would have met Arjuna, nor would Arjuna have recognized Krishna!
Since Arjuna met Krishna and recognized Him, He was liberated!

People from different walks of life, from diverse backgrounds, attend this retreat including engineers, lawyers, home makers, healers, journalists, corporate sectors, scientists, doctors, teachers and followers from various fields of Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Reiki, AOL, NLP, IF, SSY, YSS, Vipassana and many more.

There are different reviews from different people from different backgrounds, and each one has a different story to tell!

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