....From the heart...

It was truly a call from the Universe – the timing of me spotting this post on FB of ANHAD Retreat, throwing caution to the winds unperturbed by who I was going to be with or where exactly…. the skimpy information about Nitin Ram’s simple philosophy and Anitha, his wife’s culinary expertise seemed a comforting presence. Something felt right inside me like it was time to answer the “call of the wild”. And all that came with the ANHAD experience truly lived up to its name – it was a place where sound had no beginning and no end! Everything went straight to the heart and it took the first few hours to settle into that thought. You get to this lovely retreat after a long ride and there it is emerging out of nowhere, so calm and serene with rolling brown hills, green grass, wild flowers, blue skies and a river that goes into eternity. Simplicity was key to all we did as was the structure, the yummy locally grown and freshly prepared meals – each a delightful regional culinary experience served with such love and care. And to top it all, Nitin’s fluid yet structured approach to unravel the only complexity in those 20-odd kilometers and 10 acres – the human species that descend to each month’s retreat to DE clutter, relax, share their own philosophies, channelize their spiritualism or way of life or just to listen. Nitin goes with the flow, picking up the pulse of the 5-6 participants and leading them in different ways into their own cosmic consciousness. For me the walking meditation and what followed was a magical cathartic experience that has to be felt not said in words, and for that I will always be immensely grateful for the connect with Nitin and Anitha. The small group size, the private and group time, the link exercises and concepts all kept us in an exploratory space which needs to be revisited time and again to remain alive!
Radhika Singh
New Delhi
Anhad.....The abode of Truth...Peace and Harmony. When I attended 'Anhad Retreat' during September 2016.....little did I know that my life would change forever...and this is because that change happened within me!!! As a woman homemaker, I enjoyed and aspired the very best in this worldly life. At the same time I knew that there is something 'Much more' to life than it appeared to be; an essence of life that I deeply yearned for...this essence which I term as 'truth'. I was confused about how to approach this 'truth'..... Here at Anhad, Nitin Ram taught me this art of blending 'The relative and the Real'. Nitin Ram, as a spiritual teacher/guide shook the very foundation of my assumptions, false beliefs and concepts and unburdened me of my baseless fears and anxieties which are so common in a modern man's life that they are hardly noticed. He is natural, simple, innovative and direct in his approach and devoid of stereotype methods offered in courses. Unlike other systems which prescribe a path to divinity, he helps us to uncover/unearth the divinity already existing in each one of us. In order to wake up from the stupor and suffering, one needs a person who is awake and this retreat offers us this very unique opportunity of a direct face to face personal conversation with Nitin Ram who addresses problems individually. Located at the lap of Mother Nature ...at the foothills of Mahabaleshwar and beside the union of River Krishna and River Vedaganga, the peace and Tranquility of 'Anhad' is truly mesmerizing and the hospitality of Anitha Ram endearing!...an altogether new experience truly enriching for the soul! Thank you.
Mrs. Sheela Kumar
I recently had the good fortune of attending ANHAD retreat & soaking in the teachings of Nitin Ram. It was an experience I would wish for everyone who relates to this blog post. This is a 3 day residential retreat that happens once every month at the moment. The retreat focuses on the participants’ natural spontaneity. There are no rules that you need to follow. Sessions are planned throughout the day; some in the form of Questions and Answers, Some in the form of lectures by Nitin. One will find a lot of interactive games being stitched into the agenda. The retreats are specially designed to pick at your mind and make you contemplate, think, reflect and find answers to the questions within. One of the most fulfilling experiences of this retreat was that it was attended by people from diverse backgrounds in life. It helped to communicate with each other, learn more about life’s curved balls and appreciate the dynamic nature of the journey itself.
Tejas Phatak
I had decided to join Nitin Ram’s 3-day “Anhad Re-treat for Inner Adventure” almost as soon as I saw the poster of the event on Facebook several months ago. A few email exchanges followed. How does one reach there (own conveyance, or bus to Wai followed by pick-up, or come along with a fellow participant), what kind of accommodation is provided (shared, separate for men and women), what is the language of the discourse (English, Hindi, Marathi – depending on the participants), etc. The responses were prompt, clear and (as I discovered subsequently) honest. I signed up immediately. Nitin Ram is a contemporary spiritual speaker, teacher, mentor, life coach. He ran his own business for many years after which he pursued his calling, and now spends time interacting with spiritual seekers answering their myriad questions about life. His wife, Anitha, is a doctor. About the first thing that strikes you when you reach the place is its breathtaking natural beauty. Located just off Jor Village in Wai in Satara, Anhad (which means Boundless) is Nitin’s single-storey bungalow atop a small cliff overlooking the Krishna river with the Mahabaleshwar mountains in the backdrop. The landscape is serene and picture-postcard, and to those who love places, has a charm that is magnetic. From the mellow sunrise at dawn, to the golden hues of the overgrown grass at sunset to the glow of the moonlight late at night, one could simply sit on the balcony, and gaze at nature as time passes by. The food is vegetarian, home-cooked and wholesome. Even within the limited fare that one can expect in a village, the hosts go out of their way to ensure your individual food requirements are met. The Retreat itself was rich and fulfilling. There were many hours of discourses, discussions and debates. These were interspersed with games, and long walks up the mountains into the forest, and down to the river. I especially loved sitting by the campfire, and the singing and quiet conversations around it that went deep into the night. Overall, it was an invigorating, enriching experience. You go with questions. Then discover that the answers are within yourself. You meet people as strangers; then come back as friends. And like the water of the tranquil Krishna, time too seems to stand still. And that is when you discover that the hyphenated Re-Treat is not in error. It is indeed a treat that you owe to yourself. Again. And again.
Swati Sengupta
Have you ever wondered "Who Am I"..? I too did not know how to find the 'Self'. If you are indeed eager to find the answer, then possibly you may get the right answer at this 3 days residential retreat at Anhad. I attended the retreat in February 2016, had a chance to interact with Shri Nitin Ram one to one. It not only changed my perception about life, it also changed 'me', changed the way I looked at myself. My search for finding "who am I" may still be on, but now I know the address, and most importantly, now I know someone who can help me to reach there, hearty thanks to Shri Nitin Ram.. 🙏
Milind Dusane
A lifetime experience shared by my dearest Wife on our recent Retreat at ANHAD. I really can't agree less that it's a lifetime experience one should experience in life at least once. Thank you Nitin Ram Sir for touching our life.
Sukant Banerjee
My husband and me were fortunate enough to be part of Four best days of our life with Nitin Ram, the magician. “Anhad Re-treat for Inner Adventure..Time to build relationship with your INNER SELF ". Reaching the place initially looked difficult however, the magician sorted that too. Located just off Jor Village in Wai Taluka in Satara, Anhad (which means Boundless). The place and it's beauty is breathtaking. There is so much abundance of nature. We could breathe fresh oxygen during our stay. It was calm, serene, I can actually hear the peaceful music of the Krishna River flowing. One could simply sit on the balcony, and gaze at nature and feel its beauty as well as abundance. Though we were a group of different people who never met each other, on reaching the destination it never felt it was the first time we were getting introduced. Later strangers became friends. The Retreat itself was rich and fulfilling. There were hours of discourses, discussions and debates. These were clubbed with games, and trek up the mountains into the forest, and down to the river. I especially loved sitting by the campfire, while enriching my SELF. It's not ritualistic however, scientific and I can only say My Mentor gives all the members the best gift of their life. The last part is the ultimate wherein even without uttering a word you can feel the abundance of nature and the abundance within yourself. While you sit and spend those precious moments with yourself you realise that your questions you stepped into The Boundless world of Magician have been self answered, they were all within. Ego, temper, ill feeling for anyone will start appearing silly. To cut the endless story short for us as couple it was our best invigorating experience. It is indeed a treat that you owe to yourself at least ones a lifetime if not time and again. We are eagerly waiting to be back to meet Magician and family for another retreat.
Mrs. Anindita Banerjee
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